LCHF Nutrition & Lifestyle Program 

3 Months

There’s no such thing as healthy weight, there is only a

Ultimate LCHF Lifestyle Program

(3 Months)

There’s no such thing as healthy weight, there is only a

There’s no such thing as healthy weight, there is only a


 Nutrition & Metabolic healing Package (Individual)

Upto 12 personalized Zoom sessions & 3 month WhatsApp support.


              • Weight (Fat / Inch) Loss
              • Type2 Diabetes Reversal
              • Type1 Diabetes Management
              • Fatty Liver Reversal
              • Blood pressure Reversal
              • Lipid Profile Corrections
              • Improving PCOS related complications
              • Improving / Reversal of Hypothyroidism
              • Chronic fatigue/ Body Pain / Joint Pain


Nutrition & Metabolic healing Package (Individual)

Upto 12 personalized Zoom sessions & 3 month WhatsApp support.


    • Weight (Fat / Inch) Loss
    • Type2 Diabetes Reversal
    • Type1 Diabetes Management
    • Fatty Liver Reversal
    • Blood pressure Reversal
    • Lipid Profile Corrections
    • Improving PCOS related complications
    • Improving / Reversal of Hypothyroidism
    • Chronic fatigue/ Body Pain / Joint Pain



Nutrition & Metabolic healing Package ( family)

Upto 12 personalized Zoom sessions ( Family) & 3 month WhatsApp support.

Nutrition & Metabolic healing Package ( family)

Upto 12 personalized Zoom sessions ( Family) & 3 month WhatsApp support.

Want to discuss more….

satyajit dash

Please E-mail or WhatsApp me for further details:

All sessions are online and available to Indian clients globally.

For more information, visit the FAQs below.

Want to discuss more….

Please E-mail or WhatsApp me for further details:

All sessions are online and available to Indian clients globally.

For more information, visit the FAQs below.

Wonderful Reviews

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started?

Make the payment, based on your purchase ( individual or family). While buying the program fill up detail about the main participant ( Name , whatsapp number & Email). Share the 2nd persons detail with me ( for family program) in whatsapp ( #9910506446). Once I get all the detail, you will receive a welcome email with a PIDS ( personal Information data sheet) word document file , which you need to fill with all your information. You will also get a document containing the list of Metabolic Blood  parameters , That i would like to see. However, if you have a blood report done in last 3 months, you may share that with me initially. only after I Analise that, I will let you know about additional test ( if any) required. And then we shall also mutually agree for a 1 hr. time slot for our 1st 121 zoom call. 

What exactly, I will get through these sessions/ program?

The three month ( 12 week) program is designed in such a way, so that we shall meet weekly once over zoom. very 1st session will be spent on understanding your health conditions & desired Goal. Also explaining you about the root cause of your condition, and how you should kick start your journey. In the 1st session itself you will be given the list of food, you will be eating more often ( a shopping List), a diet chart  & a food book. Next 5 sessions will be full with knowledge about body physiology, cellular respiration, metabolism & nutrition so that you will understand, how your food is regulating your bodily processes. The last 6 sessions are optional, in the sense, you can plan them based on your queries ( within this 3 month period).

Can I continue my ongoing medications that I am taking while I take your sessions?

If the medications are for any of the metabolic health issues, I will help you to slowly reduction & complete stoppage of them, as nutrition ( & lifestyle) are the medicine for metabolic health conditions. You will be given parameters trackers, to track your progress. Your progress tracker will help you to tapper down your medications either by yourself or in consultation with your doctor. However, medication for any other non-metabolic condition, will continue based on your doctor’s advice.

What is the guarantee, this program will help me overcoming my condition?

Yes, there is no guarantees. Because, it is your body & body physiology, it is your process, and you need to adapt to the suggested change management at a personal level. And you will be able to adapt to that change, only when you have the right knowledge about the problem. With LCHF dietary philosophy, you will get to eat a lot of tasty & yummy food. However, 80%+ occasion, food needs to be made at home. Once you start following the dietary protocol & start taking suggested essential micronutrient supplements ( based on your body’s requirement), you start to feel better and get to see result, through your tracker & blood test report. Some progresses are measurable, and some can only be felt by you. So your involvement in this process will only guarantee you the success.

Will the sessions conducted online be as effective compared to physical meetings?

Yes, sessions conducted online produce the same result when compared with physical meetings. I do not have a Physical set up, and work only on an online set up. Apart from the 12 pre-scheduled Zoom Knowledge sessions, the 121  sessions ( upto 6 in 6 month) will  provide the opportunity to have them  at your chosen day & time, based on mutual consent. Basically the 121 sessions are flexible in terms of schedule.  Moreover, in the present scenario with our busy lifestyle and hectic schedule, online sessions are a welcome change based on our needs.

I have chronic conditions like diabetes, high BP/ fatty liver/ lipid panel, etc. Do I need a medical diet?

The very 1st session is meant for information collection & knowing about your current health issues, based on which your health and fitness goals will be designed. Based on your available Blood report, you will be advised to do blood test, if any metabolic marker is missing. Moreover, all key metabolic health markers are tracked during the program for maximum efficacy. You will also be given an excel tracker, which you need to maintain & share with me periodically.

For chronic issues, you need to stay in close association with your doctor. I teach you to be a smart & educated patient, and the language in which you should converse with your doctor. Be an aware patient. Don’t just leave everything to the doctor.

How do I prepare myself for the sessions?

The program is designed for 12  Zoom  sessions ( 1 hr. each). As soon as you sign up for the program, you need fix the 1st 6 sessions date & time. though is is planned to spread over 6 weeks, but you may chose the frequency of these 6 sessions. After 6 weeks, you will again fix up  for the next 6 sessions with me & my team . the last 6 sessions are for resolving all your quistions and  handhold you, in case you are facing any issues, with the right knowledge, food plate ideas , recipes  etc. 

What about, if my condition does not improve within the session period?

Our body is self-healing. You and I do not do anything. It’s our body and its internal environment (Hormones & enzymes) that regulate the internal process. And it is impacted through what we eat, and how we behave. You may not reach to your set target goal  100% in these 12 weeks. However, you will move ahead significantly inching close towards your goal in this 12 weeks. Your metabolic progress will always be reflected in your blood parameters. 

How do I get started?

Make the payment, based on your purchase ( individual or family). While buying the program fill up detail about the main participant ( Name , whatsapp number & Email). Share the 2nd persons detail with me ( for family program) in whatsapp ( #9910506446). Once I get all the detail, you will receive a welcome email with a PIDS ( personal Information data sheet) word document file , which you need to fill with all your information. You will also get a document containing the list of Metabolic Blood  parameters , That i would like to see. However, if you have a blood report done in last 3 months, you may share that with me initially. only after I Analise that, I will let you know about additional test ( if any) required. And then we shall also mutually agree for a 1 hr. time slot for our 1st 121 zoom call. 

What exactly, I will get through these sessions/ program?

First and foremost, you get to unlearn, various food related myths. And how, with right knowledge of your own body physiology, and knowledge on how your food choices impact your hormonal health. You will also get to learn, how with the LCHF way of eating lifestyle, you can still achieve health, without compromising much on taste.

Can I continue my ongoing medications that I am taking while I take your sessions?

If the medications are for any of the metabolic health issues, I will help you to slowly reduction & complete stoppage of them, as nutrition ( & lifestyle) are the medicine for metabolic health conditions. You will be given parameters trackers, to track your progress. Your progress tracker will help you to tapper down your medications either by yourself or in consultation with your doctor. However, medication for any other non-metabolic condition, will continue based on your doctor’s advice.

What is the guarantee, your sessions will help me overcoming my condition?

Yes, there is no guarantees. Because, it is your body & body physiology, it is your process, and you need to adapt to the suggested change management at a personal level. And you will be able to adapt to that change, only when you have the right knowledge about the problem. With LCHF dietary philosophy, you will get to eat a lot of tasty & yummy food. However, 80%+ occasion, food needs to be made at home. Once you start following the dietary protocol & start taking suggested essential micronutrient supplements ( based on your body’s requirement), you start to feel better and get to see result, through your tracker & blood test report. Some progresses are measurable, and some can only be felt by you. So your involvement in this process will only guarantee you the success.

Will the sessions conducted online be as effective compared to physical meetings?

Yes, sessions conducted online produce the same result when compared with physical meetings. I do not have a Physical set up, and work only on an online set up. Apart from the 12 pre-scheduled Zoom Knowledge sessions, the 121  sessions ( upto 6 in 6 month) will  provide the opportunity to have them  at your chosen day & time, based on mutual consent. Basically the 121 sessions are flexible in terms of schedule.  Moreover, in the present scenario with our busy lifestyle and hectic schedule, online sessions are a welcome change based on our needs.

I have chronic conditions like diabetes, high BP/ fatty liver/ lipid panel, etc. Do I need a medical diet?

The very 1st session is meant for information collection & knowing about your current health issues, based on which your health and fitness goals will be designed. Based on your available Blood report, you will be advised to do blood test, if any metabolic marker is missing. Moreover, all key metabolic health markers are tracked during the program for maximum efficacy. You will also be given an excel tracker, which you need to maintain & share with me periodically.

For chronic issues, you need to stay in close association with your doctor. I teach you to be a smart & educated patient, and the language in which you should converse with your doctor. Be an aware patient. Don’t just leave everything to the doctor.

How do I prepare myself for the sessions?

The program is designed for 12 prescheduled Zoom metabolic Knowledge sessions ( 7 pm – 9 pm on particular day. I conduct sessions on Thursday, Friday, satday & on Sunday) . These sessions are for 1hr. 45 min to 2 hr. maximum. In case you miss a session, you get a recording of this, very next day with a permanent access for you. The 121 sessions are quite flexible in terms of day & time, generally for an hour. however, i am not so rigid about it. ultimate goal of these 121 sessions are to have the best communications. It is important for you to schedule your time accordingly. 

What about, if my condition does not improve within the session period?

Our body is self-healing. You and I do not do anything. It’s our body and its internal environment (Hormones & enzymes) that regulate the internal process. And it is impacted through what we eat, and how we behave. You may not reach to your set goal in these 4 or 6 sessions. However, you will understand the process and carry forward this journey, with the acquired knowledge. At any time you need to meet me, you can always rebook my sessions or connect with me ( through WhatsApp/ email) for any custom session (s).

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